NDIS is very topical amongst investors due to the recent market demand. NDIS loans, however, require special experience due to the level of complexity involved. Our experience in the field of NDIS Investment loans has been the key to making the process extremely smooth for our investors as we have successfully navigated through its intricacies over the years. Our team of seasoned NDIS Investment Loan brokers understand it’s unique challenges and work closely with the investors who are keen to invest in this sector that supports a meaningful cause for the greater community
What is NDIS?
NDIS is National Disability Insurance Scheme that was legislated in 2013 in an effort to improve support for Australians with disabilities. The scheme focuses on allocating funds for a range of key support services to assist individuals with special needs to improve their quality of life. Whilst NDIS focuses on various different aspects of support, the team at WizWealth Finance only gets involved in procurement of suitable finance solution for investors looking to purchase a Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
Why Invest in NDIS?
At the time of writing this content in June 2024, Australian Govt had spent around $41.9 billion in FY2023-2024 on NDIS and it was the third largest program as measured by total general government sector expenses and the expense was expected to grow. It remains an uncapped demand-driven program and the future growth is partly dependent on the factors outside govt’s control as per one of the recent reports. Investment in a SDA accommodation, drives benefits to not only for Australians with special needs, it also offers a great return on the investment for the investors, which can often be between 10 -15%. The tenants, also known as NDIS participants, enjoy higher standards of living by residing at specifically designed properties to suit their needs. It allows them to have access to facilities that are key to their specific needs and investors on the other hand enjoy above average govt backed rental income on their investment. There are additional risks involved in building SDA properties due to the customisation and compliance involved and the property may not have the same market value if it was to be sold as a regular house. The higher rental return is often seen as a mitigant to recover the additional investment costs, during the initial years of project.
Why WizWealth Finance for NDIS Investment Loans?
NDIS SDA housing loans process requires deep understanding of the compliance and project. There are different types of NDIS properties with varying rental returns. Our team of experts has years of experience in assisting borrowers for such complex scenarios. Our team is committed to delivering the most cost-effective custom solution that may be required to encourage more investors for this cause, given the social responsibility aspect of the transaction. Given the current shortfall in NDIS housing, the community needs more investors allocate portion of their investment strategy for NDIS housing and our team is keen to make the process as smooth as possible for them.